This site is in beta there will be more content soon Consider this my personal mySpace.


Just a man

Cover Image for Just a man
Mike Ferrer
Mike Ferrer

Hello Im Michel Ferrer, US Navy Veteran, Technoligst, Software Engineering, Mechanic and Lover. I have a few hobbies i failed to mention as well dont judge the current post i will have this flushed out in a few days.

Im a Full-Stack Web Developer.

I have spent the last 10 years honing my skills as a technologist. I have picked up a wide array of disciplines, ranging from military equipment to automation solutions. I enjoy challenges dealing with customer interactions, i want to be part of a team who is closing the gap between the digital space to the physical space.

Break things to Make things.

Disassmble to its simplelist state, its atomic form and rebuild. In princible this is how the modern web is built. Simple components that have one purpose and are easily adabtable and scalable. A good example of this is a well designed sea faring vessel you may flood a few spaces but the ship can still perform.

Be a sponge

Stay humble there is no mastery when you know it all. I prefer to stay open to new perspectives and expect to learn something everyday.

Until next time

Thank you for standing by my side.